This is no longer the default welcome page with some modifications, as you may have read before. This is now the fully-fledged Home Page. I think this is the final form it will take, aside from content updates. Also, the site is now fully mobile compatable! No more ugly sidebars! Speaking of content updates, every single page has been updated with new information. Give it a quick look if you have the time! This is probably the closest I will ever be to having a grand opening, so poke around and see what's up. As usual, I have a few cheeky links hiding around, but they're not super important so you won't miss anything if you don't follow them.
That's a question that I get asked a lot, and it's always kind of suprised me to be quite honest. When the server this site is hosted on first went online, it wasn't really "online". It could only see computers that were connected to the house WiFi signal (or Ethernet). At the time I only had a vague idea of how to allow outside traffic to see my work, so I decided to use this page as a sort of house newsletter and part-time social experiment. I could use this platform as a sandbox to practice my front-end development skills and not embarrass myself in front of the whole world, and I could make a few jokes that my friends might get a kick out of at the same time.
Since only the closest people I knew could access it, it made me think of this place as a "home base" for testing things out and having some fun. "Home Base" is a little too on the nose for me, but Home Plate seemed like it would fit nicely; there's always been something about baseball to me that made me think of home. I could be poetic and say it's the national sport, and I did consider that, but it's probably the fact that I lived down the street from a baseball diamond for almost 20 years.
Talking about names isn't super exciting. I like finding new things online, so here's something cool I found. This is something I've showcased on this page before, but I still think it's really cool. It might be nifty to get one of these rings, it seems like an interesting talking point. Also, I'm a huge fan of passive productivity, so this really just flips all my switches.
Here's something else I found fairly recently. It's a pretty simple site that archives a bunch of old things you used to be able to find on the web. You still can today, but you used to too.
Need some inspiration to spice up your meals? This is a little gem I discovered when I was trying to find new things to cook. It's a very light-weight website with none of the extra baggage that comes from most blog sites, such as ads, life stories, or lots of expensive and slow page styling. Give some of these a shot. I haven't tried very many of them, but the one's I've seen look pretty tasty.
HEY YOU! Yes, you! I have a very interesting message for you that I'm sure you want to read all about. Have you ever considered buying life insurance? It's not something I ever considered, but as it turns out you can choose to pay someone tons of money just because you haven't died yet. Crazy, right? If you want in on this exiting opportunity, reach out as soon as possible! You won't regret it.
I found a flashdrive one day, and like any sane person I popped it right into my unprotected computer and checked out what was inside of it. Turns out, it was holding documents that some insurance company was using to scare up business. Most of the files I deleted because I didn't have a use for them, but there were a few gems that I decided to keep just to remember the experience. If you'd like to check them out, I've linked them here.
If you manage to find something on this site that's broken, please use the official tool for reporting bugs. In fact, check it out right now.
If you have something cool you think could go on here, let us know at this link.